Want more privacy but don’t want net curtains?
Why not have opal frost window film, cut with a decorative design or printed? They offer privacy but allow you to see out a little.
Even if the lights are on you still are not on full view. If you have bay windows the design can flow round the windows. We have many styles and can offer different colour options for some, just
submit your sizes by email stating the design you require and we can email a quote back for the kit to fit your windows.
Mosaic design can be in most colour options just ask.
Banksy's girl with a balloon can be printed or cut out depending on how much of outside the window you want to see.
Autumn Leaves

Banky's Balloon Girl

Banky's Balloon Girl | Print

Mosaic Bay Window


Dandelion Bay Window

Rebated Corners

Autumn Leaves in The Breeze